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Storge cleanup in Windows 11 settings!

PowerShell ISE desktop shortcut under Windows 11!

Shift + right click context menu in the explorer views!

Keep the Mouse Speed on all Windows OS!

 Unexpected movements of the Windows mouse pointer!

Force logout from the info area of ​​the taskbar!

Export front pages PDF and export back pages PDF!

Digital Desktop Clock plus Optional transparency on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7!

Mark the whole line in Q-Dir, the Quad-Explorer!

Quad-File-Explorer Q-Dir Defender Firewall Win-10, problem!

Change minutes for several files at the same time!

User Requests?

Open stuff and suggestions for QTP!

Change the language in QuickTextPaste!

Desktop clock matching to the Windows 10 logo!

Image Comparison - Preview in Internal Explorer and Image Viewer!

Prevent system Shutdown, Stand By, Turn Off , Restart, Hibernate!

A Directory print feature with integrated print preview for Windows!

Quickly execute a ping command through CTRL!

A silver mouse pointer with the appropriate size!

Flakes for the Windows 11/10/8.1 and Server OS!

Disable no limit scrolling via the Windows Task-Bar, is optionally!

Add folder with subfolder and files to change the timestamp!

Managing Layout profiles from Task-Bar (Windows Desktops)!

Windows BIN to ISO Converter Software for free 10, 8.1, 7.0 and MS Server Systems!

Fast multi touch screen test for all Windows systems!

The Photo Resizer for all Microsoft Windows Desktop and Server OS!

DesktopOK Help?

The category Order on the PC on Software OK!

If the network load is low, shut down the PC or put it in standby!

Should I also use other Internet Explorer?

See the full load on the new CPU and watch it in the Windows 11/10 Task Manager!

A very large clock on the desktop for all Windows OS?

Preview the Animated Gif Images on Windows!

Undo renaming of mistakenly renamed folders!

Mark with the keyboard successive files in the Quad Explorer!

Change view to thumbnails (extra large symbols)!

Install Chrome Extensions in Microsoft Edge Chromium!

Desktop OK grant access to Defender Folder Protection W10!

Mark the changed folder in the Windows 11/10 Explorer in the navigation area!

In the file explorer show the libraries under Windows 11 and 10!

Top Secret and hidden Commands for Windows 11/10 Explorer!

Delete, move the user into other Windows 10 groups?

FTP download in Windows 11, 10, Explorer Error message!

The keyboard does not respond, or incorrectly under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Windows 1903 switch to 1909 download Archive!

Hotkey to switch between virtual desktops in Windows 10 / 11!

Fax and Scan is gone at once, Windows (11, 10, 8.1)!

Desktop themes Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ... and free!

Organize the desktop icons under Windows 11 or 10!

Windows 11 or rather the 21H2 update of Windows 10?

Set printer output tray under Windows desktop and server!

Question! Windows 10 test page print, but how to?

Find installed programs and APPs on Windows 10 / 11!

Create A Share via Shared Folder Wizard in Windows 11 / 10!

shell:Common AppData on Windows 10 / 11!

The regional settings in Microsoft Windows 10/11!

Firefox on the desktop or quick start bar under Windows 10!

Enter emoji using the touch keyboard (on-screen keyboard) on Windows 10/11!

Disable and customize APPs Windows 10 notifications!

Delete Thumbs.db on Windows 10/11!

How much memory does windows 10 / 11!

Move, copy, understand differences and the thought traps!

You can leave everything to us! Windows 10 hangs?

Upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free!

Windows Store reinstall on Windows 10 / 11, (clear, reset)?

Comfortably manage the favorites and grouping by command!

Preview the PDF output file!

Green Flower on the Windows Desktop!

Show full path in the Explorer tabs Quick Info!

Keep the shift key pressed and edit the command!

Can I continue to securely delete the data on Windows 11?

Ejecting, opening and closing the drives via the desktop shortcut?

Checking PowerShell version on all MS Windows OS?

Defender slows down the development of applications, programs and APPs!

Monitor GPU usage in Windows Task Manager?

Windows installation plus update, how long does it take?

The Folder options!

How to disable some Service via msconfig on Windows 11, 10, ...?

Which is better shutdown, or standby mode?

Clipboard access confirmation Internet Explorer, disable?

How to turn off the clicking sound in ms internet explorer?

How and why do command lines work in CMD.EXE?

Adjust lock screen duration from command prompt!

Serial number of the hard disk under Windows 11, 10, ... via command prompt!

Information about a specific user account via cmd.exe or PowerShell!

Keyboard shortcuts for the command prompt under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Query processors from the computer via command line cmd.exe, but how?

CMD commands to control power settings under Windows, with examples?

Wi-Fi or WLAN Show Driver Information, how to (Command Prompt)?

Wi-Fi for everything or why you shouldn't use it?

How can I insert a transparent image in MS Word?

Activate or deactivate MS Outlook message sound!

How can I check the Microsoft Office 365 auto update setting?

How to Create a Diagonal Text in Word (rotated)!

Why do you have a 3D clock for Windows with a simple digital clock on your arm?

How can I use compatibility mode in Windows XP?

Change drive icon on Windows?

Where is the windows passwords folder?

Do you use Windows Magnifier to magnify parts of the screen?

Show folder structure in alphabetical order and print?

When print set smaller font, so more of the directory tree fits on the page?

What is the sense of FindSameImagesOK, for what?

Can I remove the Alternative Energy Efficiency Tool from my Windows 10, ...!

Help with Notepad in MS Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7.0, ...?

Microsoft Office 365 Desktop shortcuts on Windows 10 / 11?

Repair Boot Record on New Windows 10 and 11, not works!

How to find Windows 10 Update Version on my PC 21H1, 20H2?

Can i do a Touch Screen Calibration on Windows 10 and 11 Tablets and PC?

See all the computers in your wlan (wi-fi) network on Windows-10, how to?

How to change Screen Resolution in Windows 10?

Downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 or 8.1, can I uninstall it?

How to change the drive letter in Windows 10/11, DVD and USB drives?

Help Windows 11 and 10 doesn't have a registry editor, where can i find regedit?

How to change default printer settings for Windows 11 / 10 Home and Pro?

Windows 10 / 11 all apps folder (open, find, delete, cleen)?

System administrator Windows 11/10, how to activate the full admin account?

How can I activate and deactivate the screen magnifier?

Fixed time for shutdown or don't sleep timer when the program starts!

Start parameter in Don't Sleep, for example for a batch file?

Touchscreen test for defective touch points, why?

Windows 7 ESU costs German taxpayers 800,000 euros!

What is Windows Terminal App under Win-10?

The remote desktop port in Windows?

Can I create a biometric passport photo myself?

USB 3.0 on old notebooks and laptops, is that possible with Windows?

Backward sorting of PDF scans?

Scan area or page size as DIN A4 to PDF?

Directory print / expression, but how to (details)?

How does resurrecting, repair, fix pixels work with Is-My-LCD-OK?

Force update at local group policy changes in Windows 8.1, 10, 11 ...!

Enable or disable the mouse pointer shadow in Windows 8.1/10!

Customize the Windows 8.1 / 10 desktop!

Computer Management in Windows 8.1 and 10 (Find, Open and Run)?

Change settings in Win 8.1/8 when to be notified about changes on your computer!

Auto Shutdown the Windows 8.1 and 10 ergo Turn-off the PC!

Disable Windows 8.1 or 10 key click sound in virtual osk keyboard, IE 10 11, MS-Explorer?

How can I change the administrator,  Windows 8.1 / 10 (user account)?

How to start Windows 8.1 / 10 in Safe Mode (Diagnostic-, Selective-, Normal- Startup)?

Activate Windows 8 / 10 and 8.1 screen saver via screensaver settings!

Can i manually create in Windows 10 and 8.1 a restore point?

Open the Disk-Management in Windows 10 or 8.1?

How can I crack the www.gmx.de password or log in or register at www.gmx.com?

Spell check Internet Explorer 11/10 change Windows (10, 8.1, 7)?

How to delete or remove applications on Facebook.com and chainge the settings?

What is maximum number of hops to search for target host?

How do I uninstall applications or apps on my Samsung?

How can I uninstall the Experience-Index-OK from Windows 11, 10, ...?

The Stop Watch stops the countdown at mouse click!

When I use two monitors, the pointer goes on the right side a jump left 6-7 centimeters!

The watermark options, the explanation!

Windows 10 SDK c++ Download!

For what snow on the desktop, who needs something like that?

Why should I donate, Donations are done by so many other users, or?

How can I remove, disable ergo uninstall the mouse tracks?

Difference Start DVD and Boot USB?

Files from hard drive do not open immediately?

Forward and backward with the keyboard?

Switch so that the left and right mouse buttons are swapped?

Increased memory requirements of the desktop clock?

Insert images from the clipboard as a file into the file explorer?

Status bar or prefer none in the Explorer Views on Windows all OS?

How to change font name and size in cells of Explorer View!

On what the permission problem is, I'm Admin?

Start with a favorite, without to register *.qdr?

Occasional problems with "*.qdr" files. The icon is now red not blue!

I"m visually impaired, how do i enlarge the font on my Quad-Explorer?

The difference in file explorer between favorites and Quick links?

Can I use the mouse wheel forwarding tool on Windows 11?

What is UEFI and how is it different from the BIOS?

Difference between 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit colors?

Difference between standard user and administrator / accounts?

The difference between files and folders?

Printer problems after upgrading under Windows, what did I do wrong?

Backup and restoring a specific registry entries via regedit.exe!

What CPU does my Windows PC have?

Which CPU does my Windows PC have?

Should I turn off the power saving mode in Windows or not?

Desktop icons Hide and Show, Without the timer (Windows 10/8.1/7/...)!

Miscellaneous File Time APP Questions?

How can I remove files and folders from the file time list?

Protect against password loss under Windows 11?

I can't upgrade to Windows 11, what now?

Top 10 Windows 11 Tips and Tricks?

Help my Windows 11 has no screenshots, why?

How do I uninstall an update in Windows 11?

How does Dynamic Lock work on Windows 11?

Why do I need 64 GB for Windows 11?

Can I restore the administrator on Windows 11, 10, ...?

Why doesn't Windows 11 have the libraries?

Start Windows Terminal as administrator in Windows 11!

Safely Remove Drives is missing from the Windows 11 taskbar, why?

Ctrl+Alt+Delete when signing in on Windows 11 or 10!

Help Windows 11 doesn't have a device manager, why?

Open control panel in Windows 11?

Do I absolutely have to shoot the MatriX computer viruses? 

Can I still test my hard drives on MS Windows 11 OS!

Would be happy to distribute the DesktopOK software automatically at our school (/silent)!

Can I save the desktop icons layout on Windows 10/11 (position)?

Capital letter first word and capital letter all words?

Keyboard shortcuts to start multiple programs commands (run, runx, runa, runX, runA)!

QuickTextPaste does not save the settings, how can I uninstall it?

If I manage to remove all viruses, is my Windows 11, 10, ... PC virus-free?

The handy short note on the Windows desktop is always in the foreground!

The test page printout on my MS Windows OS is in the wrong language!

Download free Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 as VHD for Windows 10?

How to disable Task-Bar Thumbnail Preview in Windows 7 (Turn Off/On )?

In Windows 7, specific applications or programs always run as administrator, or start!

How to change what happens when I close the laptop or Windows-7 notebook?

Start directly the Windows-7 Task Manager via keyboard shortcuts?

Where is the Disk Defragmenter in Windows 7?

How big should be the Windows 7 disk partition?

Error message com.google.process.gapps has stopped?

What is a CPU frequency?

What is an executable file?

VHDX, what is this file?

What is a memory test?

What is a USB stick?

What are password policies?

What is a RAM?

Difference between autorun and autostart?

What is an enter key?

What is a laser function?

What is editor?

Trusted source?

Windows notification area meaning?

What are system properties?

What is a file manager?

What is Virtual Memory?

VHD, what is this file?

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